Posted by Mich on 10/30/68 11:25
Sorry, but i'm not all that good in this.
I have this:
<a href="#" onClick="frames['winkels'].location.href =
'storelocator2.php?postcode=3500'; return false">Test</a>
Which works great, it transfers the variable into the iframe, which takes it
and handles it into its own php.
Now i need also to call this same thing from php (it transfers the variable
from a GET method):
if (isset($_GET['postcode']))
$invoer = $_GET['postcode'];
frames["winkels"].location.href =
"storelocator2.php?postcode="+$invoer; <------!!!
The line with the <----!!!!! is (offcourse) not working. Where am i going
No problem with calling me a noob ;)
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