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Re: The Dark Side of short tags (Was: nOOb question...)

Posted by Dustin on 10/21/75 11:25

Kimmo Laine wrote:
> "ZeldorBlat" <> kirjoitti
> viestissä
>>Yeah, that's how I would normally write it...with the short tags. But
>>I figure if you're just learning, you might as well get into the habbit
>>of the full open tags since people these days seem to think that
>>they're bad :)
> They are bad, at least if you're writing (or trying to write) xhtml
> compatible code. There you need the xml declaration row <?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="UTF-8"?>. If short tags are on, and the xml declaration is in a
> php file, it's concidered as php. And since 'xml version="1.0"
> encoding="UTF-8"' makes no sense in php, it raises an error. I've done a few
> times so that I echo the xml tag , ie <?= '<?xml version="1.0"
> encoding="UTF-8"?>' ?>, but that again is bad practise. It would be better
> to leave short tags out and write proper code.

Well maybe xhtml standards should be more considerate of php short tag
users! ;)

Dustin Davis
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