Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 09/06/05 10:14
On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 23:09:35 -0700, Fly Cooter
<fly_cooter_@example.com> wrote:
>>I love you too, you fat fuck:
>That is not my body.
Yes it is.
>I did not give you permission to use my face, my
>intellectualy property,
You don't own shit, Moron. Hell, I pirate around 40 fuckin gigs a
week from assholes who think they own shit...what in your Gawds name
makes you think you're "special"...you know, besides the fact that,
that's how you were described throughout your childhood.
>to fulfill your sick gay chubby-chasing
Hey, Terrance...I'm not sure if you've noticed it or not...but like
every other "insult" out of yer chubby lil fingers is a gay lame.
Furthermore, calling me "Testiclees", and that prison bitch hair cut
yer sporting, not to mention a whole SLEW of other gay innuendo that
you wave around like a great big rainbow painted banner...yeah...yer
startin to look like a latent homosexual whose SERIOUSLY over
Tell me, why is it that you think being gay is such a ~terrible~
thing? Is it because you're afraid that people will hate you...are
you afraid of hating yourself...for what you really are? Just think
about it kid. Trust me, no one is gonna like you any more than they
already don't just because you turned to the dark side of the rump
ride. It's okay for you to be gay, Terrance...REALLY, we're all not
here for you either way. ^_^
>You are in violation of the policies of your web host,
My "web host", eh? *snicker*
Well, why don't you go and take it up with them, mmmkay?
>and you are a disgusting piece of shit.
And you are very, very, VERY upset and angry...I hate to be the one to
tell you this Terrance but you see, in a lot of ways Usenet is like a
prison, it is not a wise idea to show weakness. Getting angry and
upset like you are right now...yeah, that's pretty much the biggest
weakness there is online. Essentially you've just let over a half
dozen newsfroups in on your lil secret and you've just made yourself a
prime target.
You're an RL, Terrance. The majority of us here, we're Netters...we
don't let things like what I did bother us, in fact we welcome it.
There have been several pastie jobs done on some of my pics as well as
a whole slew of other things, but they don't bother me at all. In
fact, if they're done well, I personally tend to praise the artist.
You on the other hand are an RL, a "real lifer", you come onto Usenet
thinking that the culture here matches the culture in whatever no name
fuckwitted lil bubble of reality you live in (ie small town
nowheresville)...it does not. Usenet culture is diverse, complex and
currently well beyond your capability of understanding. I will tell
you this though...if you don't leave...right now...your mind is going
to get ripped to pieces. If not by me, by someone else.
As I said, you let words online get to you, because you come online
looking for what you can't get in RL. But the net is no substitute
for RL, it is unique in and of itself and the two planes of
"existence" if you will are not cross compatible. You WILL get ripped
apart Terrance. The more you post the more attention you're going to
attract from places like AUK...they'll make sport of you and turn you
into an obsessed pathetic (if I don't do it first).
This is the only warning you get Terrance...and I have to admit, part
of its purpose is not designed to help you, but to lure you further
in. I already know more about you than you know about yourself. I
know exactly which buttons to push. For example, in a situation like
this, where you're being challenged...you're not the kind of person
who would back down, you see, I'm playing off your childish arrogance
to keep you here for my amusement. There are levels of arrogance you
know, the kind that you wield is sloppy at best. You have nothing to
back it up, so you will fail every time. NEVER act arrogant unless
you've got teh goods to back it up.
>>>Anyone who would morph the head of a guy from the Internet
>>>on to the naked body of another guy is a flaming fudgepacker.
>>...you mean you would have rather had me paste yer fat ugly head onto
>>the body of a woman? Cause, ya know...I can. `, )
>I go on record now to tell you NO, you do not have my permission to use
>my intellectual property.
I did not have permission to download 8 full seasons of Stargate SG-1
and yet, huh, there it is on my system. *shrugs*
> If you do it again, it will be treated as second incident.
Don't posture unless you have something to back it the fuck up with,
>>>2) You are hosting my intellectual property on your lame ass site
>>>without my authorization.
>>Unfortunately for you Fly Poofter the original image has been
>>significantly altered (by more than 20%) and furthermore, since the
>>image is being used from a satirical perspective, there ain't nothin
>>you can do about it. You can thank good 'ol Larry Flint for that one!
>Your denial to remove my IP from your site has been received by email,
>and now I have it in Google.
"remove your IP"?
*shakes head*
Great, now you've not only made yourself a target in AUK, but a target
in A26 and AHM as well. I'm sure they'll enjoy..."educating" you.
>>>Remove the image immediately.
>>Not so much fun when you get bitch slapped, is it? Think of this as a
>>good lesson in humility, kiddo...fuck around with people online...and
>>ya might get more than a lil stung. *shrugs*
>>You're more than welcome to try and do the same with any of my
>>images...oh wait, I forgot, you ain't gots teh skillz, kiddo.
>I don't do shit like that, bitch.
You confuse "don't" with "can't".
>Go fuck yourself, you cocklicking pansy.
I think I've had enough of you. You will reply to this post in 24
hours and you will openly admit to being homosexual...or I'll have
your Tripod site wiped clean off the face of the net.
Your choice. Keep in mind, Tripod will delete accounts without
looking whenever there's more than one complaint about child
pornography...sometimes it only takes one. ^_^
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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