Posted by Neredbojias on 12/23/19 11:26
With neither quill nor qualm, Els quothed:
> Neredbojias wrote:
> >>>> Ow?
> >>>
> >>> Ow?? Did I step on your toe or are you just prone to spontaneous
> >>> cries of pain?
> >>
> >> No, that would be 'ouch!' 'Ow?' may be the Dutch equivalent of 'Oh?
> >> How so?'
> >
> > Ow, really? (I was going to ask you to teach me Dutch,
> Yeah right.
> > but I think this is all I can stand.)
> Any English speaking person wanting to learn Dutch should have some
> sort of stamina, as well as a healthy supply of throat pastilles.
Stamina? Throat whatever-pastilles-are?
Oh, I get it. When people think you're Dutch, you have to run away
before they throttle you.
Nah, don't worry. I need to learn just enough tulip talk so that when I
take a girl out to a restaurant and the bill comes, I can pull the old
surprise: Dutch-treat routine with some convincing lingo to back it up.
> >>>> Basically like a little boy that's proud of a new accomplishment.
> >>>> Only little boys are cute when they do that.
> >>>
> >>> Well, I may demur but many priests agree with you wholeheartedly.
> >>
> >> That's not what I meant. I said 'little boy being proud of a new
> >> accomplishment.' Like "Mom! Did you see me throw that frisbee? It
> >> went all the way to the neighbour's garden!" or "Look what I just
> >> wrote here - we learned to write the M today!"
> >
> > Well I tried that when I learned how to take a leak no-handed and got
> > nothing but negativity.
> You should have tried the frisbee or the writing instead.
Ow, it's talented but not *that* talented.
> >>>> Jack Daniels doesn't bite.
> >>>> Well, never bit me - tastes great with Coke.
> >>>
> >>> Oh, yuck-o! I can see you're not a purist, JD should never be
> >>> mixed and attains its finest flavor when tipped straight from the
> >>> bottle.
> >>
> >> I'm not a purist no - sometimes I'll drink stuff mixed, sometimes
> >> neat.
> >
> > Sometimes I drink stuff neat and sometimes I drink stuff sloppy. -Yet
> > another difference in the sexes.
> Yup - we stop the intake before we make a mess. (well, I do)
Well, I usually stop the intake before I throw up but sometimes that
annoying gas turns out to be more than it seemed.
> >>>>> The only Australians I've met personally were in a zoo between the
> >>>>> Gooney Birds and the sewer rats.
> >>>>
> >>>> I've seen those too - not nearly as friendly as the human Aussies.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps the ones you met were high on eucalyptus extract.
> >>
> >> Are you talking about the animals or the humans?
> >
> > Er, how can you tell the difference?
> The ones that sit in a tree are high.
> The ones that stand on their tail while kicking you in the stomach
> aren't friendly.
> The others are humans. You can also recognize them by their language;
> they speak English (albeit a funny form of it).
I thought that was the British? In any case, I don't mean to condemn
all Australians for the actions of the majority but the ones I've
encountered really do seem to be egotistical out of all proportion to
the talent and knowledge they so boisterously tout. Perhaps it's simply
that "normal" Australians tend to be less vociferous, tacitly allowing
dissimilar kinsmen to tarnish their reputation in spite of their own
antipathy. I've always thought it appropriate that the kangaroo is the
most noted Australian animal, although, to be fair, even they avoid most
two-legged down-undermen whenever possible.
> >>>>> "Happily married" is a state achieved only by the delusional.
> >>>>
> >>>> As long as they're happy, who cares about delusional.
> >>>
> >>> So say the drug mongers in the ghetto.
> >>
> >> True. I think I should have expressed myself differently:
> >> Who is to say who is delusional and who isn't?
> >
> > We must all decide for ourselves. Unfortunately, if you add up all the
> > votes, there are more delusional people in the world than there are
> > people in the world.
> Sounds like a lot of mathematically challenged voters.
It rally means that popular opinion is truly hard to gauge. For
instance, a woman will vote for a candidate because she likes the hang
of his, uh, suit. A man will vote for the same candidate because he
gives credibility to his wife's opinion on the future of their sex life
should he vote otherwise.
> > Now tell me *that* isn't delusional.
> That would be lying, so I won't.
> >>> Marriage is the opiate of the
> >>> masses but some will swallow anything for a little sex.
> >>
> >> You obviously married the wrong person, but you knew that already.
> >> It's not marriage that's to blame for that though.
> >
> > My statement wasn't meant to be a condemnation of the institution of
> > marriage per se but a recommendation for singles to "think before you
> > link".
> That's certainly sound advice.
> > Too many youthful yokels nowadays don't realize that marriage is
> > more than a last-ditch effort to get into someone's pants.
> Okay, those I call delusional.
> > It is also a responsibility
> Very much so.
> > that includes the concession of certain freedoms which
> > one may no longer enjoy except in a clandestine manner with the onus of
> > having an antagonist always around looking over your shoulder for
> > possible evidence of actual enjoyment or peace-of-mind outside the
> > sphere of her personal authority.
> That's one way of looking at it...
> > If this isn't the life you were
> > expecting with your teaty-sweety, hah hah! -Are you in for a big
> > surprise!
> Sometimes I wonder if these young desillusioned people have ever paid
> attention to what their own parents did in their marriage.
When you're young you're full of pheromones which trumps being full of
anything else any day.
> Let me help you.
I've heard that before...
> Plain soap is bought by women for their husbands, so they can complain
> about the husband using her soft soap /again/ while there is perfectly
> good plain soap right in front of his nose.
Ah ha! Another sneaky, conniving womanly trick. What if a man wants to
cleanse those delicate, sensitive places where the sun don't shine and a
bar just doesn't quite fit?
> That, and by mums like myself, for the kids to wash their hands when
> they have played outside. Soft soap doesn't last long in small kids'
> hands.
I suppose I should take this opportunity to mention that "soft soap"
also means complimentary words that are insincere and/or gratuitous
often voiced in an attempt to ingratiate oneself with a woman for
purposes which are a mystery to neither.
> >>>>> Odes are my life, and I'm the most odious guy I know.
> >>>>
> >>>> Except for the odd odious ode maybe, I don't think you really have
> >>>> much odium in you.
> >>>
> >>> Then what do you think I am, the hollow, empty shell of a man who
> >>> has turned to the Internet in a vain effort to capture the meaning
> >>> of life, the universe, and everything?
> >>
> >> That thought hadn't crossed my mind yet, but it is of course an
> >> option.
> >
> > Yeah, an option for nuts. Just because a person has something doesn't
> > mean he is it.
> I didn't say it did.
I didn't say you said it did. Btw, it did what? Oh, this is another
one of them Dutch idioms, isn't it?
> >>> Let me say this about that: it's not for nudie pictures alone that I
> >>> sail the cybernetic seaway! While I have momentarily forgotten the
> >>> other reasons, you can bet your bottom bippie that "Neredbojias"
> >>> does not mean "flesh pot seeker". (At least in English.)
> >>
> >> What does it mean really?
> >
> > Really? Nothing. It's just a name like "Tom" or "Bruce" or
> > "Subhranyamen Chandrasikar".
> Except that Tom and Bruce actually mean something.
> Tom comes from Thomas which means a twin.
> Bruce means woods.
Ha ha, does a bear **** in the Bruce?
> > Oh, there was a "neritboias ixtl" or
> > something like that mentioned in paleo-Incan scrawlings discovered
> > inside a cave near Chichen Itza, but I think it was simply their pet
> > name for the outhouse.
> Sounds like a reasonable assumption.
Wish you were one of my dissenting colleagues.
> >>> PS: When someone posted a stream for someone else's edification, one
> >>> would have figured that someone else would have noticed the 32 kbps
> >>> bitstream
> >>
> >> Oops, no - didn't notice. It just streamed, didn't look at the
> >> details.
> >
> > -Much like I during bladder release.
> Yup, just like that.
So to sum it all up, we're both whizzes at streaming.
> >>> In any event, I managed to accomplish the mission despite these
> >>> egregious circumstances
> >>
> >> Hurray!
> >>
> >>> by using a little good ol' male ingenuity.
> >>
> >> You're sure it's male? I reckon I used the same to get the file
> >> downloaded to keep instead of hearing it only once :P
> >
> > Really? I'm impressed.
> You're easily impressed.
Yep. My naivety is exceeded only by my ability to exploit it.
> > And here I thought you were only a pretty type-face.
> I can be as pretty a type-face as you like. You are just a plain
> fixed-width font here btw. Serves the purpose though, so I'm not
> complaining.
It's good to have less longitude in the latitude and more latitude in
the longitude.
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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