Posted by sumeet on 09/18/05 08:17
Jeff wrote:
> I'm trying to create a script to verify an email address after a user
> signs up for an account. I would like the user to get an email with a
> link that they click on (something like
> www.webaddress.com/12453523/7573434) and that funnels through and marks
> their email address as verified in the mysql database.
> The thing I'm having trouble with is the /12453523/7573434 part. How
> do those arguments get grabbed by the script? Does the verify script
> actually create those directories on the web server, and then copy an
> index file at the bottommost directory which verifies the email? It's
> fairly straightforward to create one that uses something like
> www.webaddress.com/?u=12453523&p=7573434, but I'd really like it the
> other way.
> Can anyone point me to an example script which might help me?
> Thanks
i am not sure of what u r askin but i am reply with some thought of my own.
i like explain briefly about apache servers. They provide a feature
whereby you can pass parameters to the webserver using
'www.example.com/parameter1/parameter2' instead of using
'www.example.com?parameter1=value1¶meter2=value2'. this is in the
..htaccess file. like we have $_GET and $_POST, these variables are
stored in PATH_INFO
this is a feature used by web developers to fool web search engines to
thinking that the former is a directory and this helps in getting the
site listed. because some search engine discard
'?parameter1=value1¶meter2=value2' it is called SEARCH ENGINE
check www.sitepoint.com for more details.
the solution - i suggest that within the script that u r using, check
for any SEARCH ENGINE FRIENDLY URL option and reset to 'false'. then no
search engine friendly url will be created.
sumeet shroff
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