Posted by Ken Tozier on 09/19/05 13:00
Next question:
I don't see any obvious DOM method for including scripts or css links
like "<script language='text/javascript' src='bobo.js'>". Do you have
to put them in some other type of node like a processing instruction
or a comment?
On Sep 19, 2005, at 5:22 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:
>> The first line of that page - " The DOM extension is the
>> replacement for the
>> DOM XML extension from PHP 4." makes me suspect that it may be a
>> PHP 5
>> feature, and sure enough, a look in the changelog confirms this.
>> php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.0.0b1
>> So if you are using php < 5.0, that would explain your error.
> That was it. (php 4.3.1 something) Just downloaded 5.0.5 and it
> works fine now.
> Thanks.
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