Posted by viraj on 09/20/05 10:18
On 9/19/05, Mark Rees <mrees@itsagoodprice.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to connect to my MySQL server with mysql_connect(...). The server
> is up and running, and I'm running Apache with PHP properly installed. :
> -----------------------
> But have you got the mysql extension? put this in a script
> <?php
> phpinfo();
> ?>
> and view the output to check
> ------------------------
> The code
> $hleServer = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password)
> or die("Error: Database. Error code: 1. Contact the web master!");
> $host, $user, and $password are set to correct values (checked and double
> checked). The funny thing is that not only does the function call fail, but
> I'm not even getting the text defined by die("..."). It seems that the
> function call is more or less a black hole. Of course the rest of the script
> doesn't execute either, I'm just left with a blank page.
> I didn't use to have this problem before (using PHP 5 now instead of 4).
> Thanks for any input on this problem...
> Arthur
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