Posted by John Swartzentruber on 03/02/05 21:57
On 3/2/2005 2:29 PM Richard Lynch wrote:
>>I've got some more information and I hope someone can help me figure out
>>the problem. I changed my original PHP program so that the form action
>>script is a different script. In that file, I just do a var_dump on
>>$_POST and $_SERVER.
>>When I do that, it looks like all of the data comes through correctly.
>>On the other hand, when the form action script is the *same* script that
>>contains the form, when I do the same var_dumps, the data does *not*
>>have any $_POST data. Also, the _SERVER[REQUEST_METHOD] is "GET", not
>>"POST" in this instance.
>>So it appears that my problem is that when I post to the same script I
>>am running, things don't work. I still have no idea why this would be
>>the case. Does anyone have any ideas?
> Whoops!
> You're *not* the mini_httpd guy, are you?
> Sorry, crossed my threads.
No, "I'm the Apache/2.0.52 (Fedora) Server at john.swartzentruber.us
Port 80" guy.
> Start digging into httpd.conf and look real careful at any changes
> involving POST/GET and METHOD etc. 'diff' your httpd.conf with the one
> that ships out with the software. (See "man diff")
I've done this and don't see anything. I'm not positive I have the
original httpd.conf file to compare against, but I have one saved in a
backup directory that is named httpd.conf.rpmnew, so I think it is
either original or from an RPM update.
My differences are:
1. additional files in DirectoryIndex
2. HostnameLookups is On
3. the /server-status and /server-info sections are uncommented (but
only accessible from my internal network)
4. Added virtual hosting stuff
I looked at all instances of GET and POST, and only see a section that
is commented out in both copies of httpd.conf.
Here is my VirtualHost for the thing I am testing (I X'd out some stuff):
<VirtualHost 66.92.XXXX.XX:80 10.X.0.3:80>
ServerName john.swartzentruber.us
ServerAdmin webmasXXXXXXXtzentruber.us
DocumentRoot "/var/www/vhosts/swartzentruber.us/john/html"
<Directory "/var/www/vhosts/swartzentruber.us/john/html">
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Is there anything funny there that would cause a problem?
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