Posted by Leif Gregory on 03/07/05 07:57
Hello Tom,
Sunday, March 6, 2005, 10:00:17 PM, you wrote:
TR> Ok I see where is is going wrong, try this:
Oooooh, very close. Although you have it at $document_root and all
that needs to be added is '/include' like below:
$include = $document_root . '/include';
Otherwise it's one directory too far up because you're replacing the
site root 'test' (in this case) with 'include'.
We wanted: 'C:/Sambar/docs/test/include'
Here's from your script.
Site root:
File name: C:/Sambar/docs/test/test.php
Script: /test.php
Document root: C:/Sambar/docs/test
Base: test
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include
OS: winnt
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include;.;C:\php5\pear
Site root/folder1
File name: C:/Sambar/docs/test/folder1/test.php
Script: /folder1/test.php
Document root: C:/Sambar/docs/test
Base: test
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include
OS: winnt
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include;.;C:\php5\pear
Site root/folder1/folder2
File name: C:/Sambar/docs/test/folder1/folder2/test.php
Script: /folder1/folder2/test.php
Document root: C:/Sambar/docs/test
Base: test
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include
OS: winnt
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/include;.;C:\php5\pear
After my change:
File name: C:/Sambar/docs/test/folder1/folder2/test.php
Script: /folder1/folder2/test.php
Document root: C:/Sambar/docs/test
Base: test
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/test/include
OS: winnt
Include: C:/Sambar/docs/test/include;.;C:\php5\pear
The other two folders moving back up the tree are the same result.
So the final looks like:
$file_name = str_replace('\\','/',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
echo "File name: $file_name<br>";
$script = str_replace('\\','/',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
echo "Script: $script<br>";
$document_root = str_replace($script,'',$file_name);
echo "Document root: $document_root<br>";
$base = basename($document_root);
echo "Base: $base<br>";
//$include = str_replace($base,'include',$document_root);
$include = $document_root . '/include';
echo "Include: $include<br>";
$os = strtolower(PHP_OS);
echo "OS: $os<br>";
$lk = ':';
$org_include = ini_get("include_path");
if(preg_match('/^win/i',$os)) $lk = ';';
echo "Include: ".ini_get("include_path")."<br>";
It's a great effort and looks bulletproof. Can you shoot any holes in
mine? A full explanation at:
I only throw mine back out there because it's shorter. I think it's
solid, but only because I haven't broken it yet. :-)
Both our solutions suffer the same problem. They have to be on every
page that requires an include, because we can't rely on a new host
having our code in their auto_prepend file
function dynRoot()
$levels = substr_count($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"/");
for ($i=0; $i < $levels - 1; $i++)
$relativeDir .= "../";
return $relativeDir;
include(dynRoot() . 'includes/somefile.php')
Thanks again!
Leif Gregory
TB Lists Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
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