Posted by Lampa Dario on 10/03/93 11:28
Hi, this morning I have seen that the script at pagina:
http://www.teachingonline.it/script/statistiche2.php wasn't working
With this code I estract the day of the week in numeric format
$data=$record['Data_Visita']; // year-month-day date format
$utime = mktime (0,0,0, $mese,$giorno,$anno,-1);
if ($weekday==0)
$weekday=7; // days from 1 to 7 (in Italian) echo $weekday;
This code has worked correctly before sept 30, after this day, I should
have had weekday=6, then 7, then 1 again, but after 5 I get 3, and so on
What is the problem?
Teaching OnLine
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