Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 10/06/05 17:13
On Thu, 06 Oct 2005 15:43:56 +0200, Jake <jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> In message <8cl017tgs1aw$.3eo704fx0qax.dlg@40tude.net>, rf <rf@invalid.com>
> writes
[ target= depricated; can use javascript for external link to open in new window
>> Oh happy days. I am now going to disable javascript so *I* have the choice
>> of opening your "external" link in a new window if *I* choose to (or not),
>> not if *you* choose me to :-)
> Isn't 'choice' wonderful?
> There is, however IMO, one good reason for opening external links in a new
> window: namely, you have no control over the content of the new page.
> Ever been to a site which, with badly-tested flash and/or javascript, prevents
> the back-button from ever working?
> If you're the user of an AT UA it's nice to be able to simply 'kill' the
> offending (current) window and know that you're safely back where you came
> from without having to reload the browser..
No, you just provided more reasons to not enable javascript (or flash for that
matter) while browsing :-)
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| webontwerp | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/webontwerp.html |
|zweefvliegen | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/vliegen.html |
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