Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/26/05 04:55
Oli Filth wrote:
> Andrew DeFaria said the following on 25/10/2005 19:07:
> The biggest single reason I love an IDE that "understands" the language?
> Project navigation. A project with 100 classes split over an equally
> large number of source/header files, in a generic text editor, if I
> wanted to look up the the implementation of X::Foo(), I'd either have to
> remember that Class X is defined somewhere in source file Y, then search
> that file (semi)manually, or do a global search for "Foo()" and wade
> through the results. In an IDE, I click on X in class-view, then click
> on Foo(), and I'm straight there (in VS, I press F12 when the caret is
> on a call to X::Foo(), the effect is the same).
Or, you just look it up in the project documentation. Of course, if you
don't document, I see why you need an IDE!
> Biggest second reason - click on a compiler error message, and it jumps
> to the code in question, saves an inordinate amount of time. I don't
> actually care that the error is on Line 362 in foo.cpp, I just need to
> see the relevant code, NOW.
I never found this to be a big advantage. Nice, maybe. But I generally
have the code open in a text editor anyway. And it's generally right
where I've been working.
> I never did at any point in this discussion! Just offering my views, and
> attempting to learn the reasoning behind the alternate view/methodology.
> Believe it or not, I'm genuinely interested in what you (and others)
> have to say and why you do things the way you do.
It's simple. IDE's are nice for some people. Other people can be more
efficient without them. Just like there are multiple languages.
> You missed the point I was trying to make, I think.
> If you know the exact nuances of command-line C compilation and
> building, utilising every single feature that makefiles afford, that's
> great. Now sit down in front of the command-line and try to build a Java
> app from source - you're back to square one, unless you sift through the
> documentation and learn the nuances of Java compilers, etc. The
> "fundamental" knowledge of how to organise and build an app from basics
> isn't actually that "fundamental" (my term, not yours, I know), because
> you have to re-learn it for every language you use.
I don't need *every* feature of a makefile. Just enough to compile and
As for switching to Java - no problem. If I have forgotten something,
it takes maybe 1 minute to look it up in the help files.
But no, I *don't* need to "re-learn it for every language...". Compiler
options may differ - but I need to set them in the IDE anyway, don't I?
It takes a *lot* longer to figure out why the IDE's defaults don't
work for my project than it does to create a makefile in the first place.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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