Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/14/91 11:30
Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Irrelevant. We're talking about documentation for a project, not some
>> "random odd topic".
> Not irrelevant. Google searching billions of pages - why more than
> whatever documentation you or I have ever produced - and does so quite
> well. The same can be applied to your own documentation...
Completely irrelevant. Google has hundreds of servers with databases,
etc. If I had the resources of Google, it would be a different story.
>>> (Reminds me of the adage: When all you have is a hammer then every
>>> problem looks like a nail!)
>> You said it. You're the one trying to force everyone to use an IDE!
> Boy you are really a moron aren't you? I suggest you go back and do a
> little research there bud. If you did I'm sure you would quickly find
> that it is not I who is trying to force anybody to using any IDE. I'm
> the guy who's against IDEs and I mentioned it last post. You, however
> didn't even read that or your comprehension skills are all shot. Let me
> SAY THE OPPOSITE!!!* I'm not sure how much clearer I can be on this
> subject. Now that you've just proven that you are a moron wiggle out of
> that one!
My mistake, then. I have you mixed up with someone else.
>>>> I'm telling you HOW I WORK AND WHAT I USE. Unlike you, I AM NOT
>>> I'm telling you how to play nice with others. If all you ever do is
>>> create code in isolation and never in a group use any damn thing you
>>> want. But when you have the attitude of "this is how I work - works
>>> for me - and who gives a rat's ass about my coworker who is working
>>> on the same app, needs the same documentation but doesn't use
>>> Windows" then I have a problem with it.
>> And how is using a text editor not "playing nice with others"? Many
>> projects I've worked on use TextPad or something similar.
> Huh? Are you really this dense? If you produce MS only help files for
> your documented function calls then you have alienated anybody who
> doesn't use Windows. Is this concept really that difficult for you to
> grasp?!?
Let's see. It's internal documentation, and everyone on the project
already uses Windows. Who am I alienating?
>> And when I say "This is how I work" - I mean this is how the projects
>> I manage work. Each person is free to use his/her favorite
>> editor/ide/whatever. I don't force a single IDE on anyone.
> Nor do I, even though you still haven't managed to understand that. We
> weren't talking about editors or IDEs for that matter. We were talking
> about your proprietary formated MS Help files...
OK. But as I said - it works for me.
>> The incompetent trying to force the more capable to conform.
> Dude you're just way off base here...
Again, my apologies. Too many subthreads going here.
>>>> I use what is best for me and on my projects.
> And not a single one of them used anything other than Windows? You sound
> like just another MS drone to me...
Not since the late 90's. Before that I did a lot of OS/2 work.
I am definitely *not* an MS drone. The fact of life is - in the
business world in the U.S., most of the users (even programmers) use
Windows. Linux has made some inroads - but not a lot. And even those
who have Linux generally also have Windows. There are very few
Linux-only users out there.
Don't get me wrong - I wish there were more Linux users out there. I
like it myself - I have a couple of Debian machines here and a Debian
VPS at a hosting company. I like Linux. But Windows is still my main
desktop because there are so many more programs out there for it.
Yes, there are some inroads being made. StarOffice, for instance, is a
big one. As there gets to be more programs for Linux I expect to see
its usage grow.
>> Not at all. It's the way the whole project works.
> Now who's forcing compliance?
I'm using what's already there. And using Windows help files when
everyone is already using Windows is no more "forcing compliance" than
using HTML help files is.
At some point you need to make some project-wide decisions. This is one
of mine.
>> Get with it. There are a lot of people in this world who are more
>> knowledgeable and competent than you. And a large percentage of those
>> people agree with me - use what works best for you.
> I'm all for using what works best for you. However when parts of what
> you are working on are shared by others, then to assume the mindset that
> everybody else works like you is just plain wrong. You do this when you
> admit to using Windows Help files which admittedly only work on Windows
> right? Ergo that shared documentation is not usable by anybody who
> doesn't use Windows. At this point that other person has two options:
> Either user Windows like you (i.e. break the rule of use what works best
> for him) or not be able to share that knowledge. The only other way out
> of that dilemma is if the documentation you produced is not intended for
> everybody - i.e. you are working in isolation. Which is it?
> --
> Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory. - Oscar Wilde
Again, not a problem. They're already using Windows.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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