Posted by David Haynes on 11/02/05 13:47
amir.meshkin@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a directory based on a variable. So lets say the
> variable is $mydir
> Below is the code that I am using, but its not working.
> My temporary site is
> http://www.theinformationcompany.biz/personal/flashplayer/mp3/
> Inside the mp3 directory is where i want to create NEW directory.
> <?php
> mkdir("/personal/flashplayer/mp3/WHAT GOES HERE?", 0777);
> ?>
> Before putting the variable there, I was getting an error message
> telling me the directory didn't exist!?!
The path in mkdir is relative to the file system root, not the web
server root. Lets say that your web pages are really rooted at
/myweb/htdocs in the file system. Then the mkdir path would be
/myweb/htdocs/personal/flashplayer/mp3 even though you referenced them
as /personal/flashplayer/mp3 in the browser.
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