Posted by Jake Gardner on 11/15/78 11:31
Yeah I never really look at what the error message actually says, it
usually turns out to be unhelpful because of those line numbers. I
just look, for example, to see if it says the error happened past the
last line of the script, and I know im missing a } somewhere. The
errors PHP returns are more about reading inbetween the lines than
reading the actual error lines.
On 11/9/05, James Benson <jb@jamesbenson.co.uk> wrote:
> It takes some getting used to I admit but PHP errors turned up full is
> far than enough to fix any script, in my experience
> matt VanDeWalle wrote:
> > I don't really have a question, I just have noticed in working with php
> > for about a year off and on, so you could probably say i'm a bit new
> > still, what an error says it is, or what line it is on, is hardly ever
> > the case, e.g, several different times until i figured out what this
> > meant, i would get the "unexpected $ on line <two lines past the end of
> > the script> error, I've figured out that actually means you are missing
> > a closing } or a few
> > also tonight, I was working on a script, I figured this out about an
> > hour later but i was getting an error about "unexpected '\' ascii 92 in
> > <line#>, something to that effect; I infact did not have a stray \, but
> > the script i was calling in this particular function apparently didn't
> > sit well with the code, so, i just read the code into the function
> > instead of include'ing the script and everything is happy again
> > so I guess just letting new or somewhat new, users know not to take the
> > php's errors for what they say always, sometimes it works that way, not
> > much, or, in my experience anyway
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