Posted by Claudio on 03/13/05 11:38
> I dunno about that whole try/catch thing, but if you're not going to USE
> it to catch the errors, then you might as well be old school and check the
> return values of all these functions.
that sounds good, but , so far I know, if the API says that a function _can_
throw an exception, I _must_ catch it. In this case 'importNode',
'appendChild', and 'createElement'. If I'm wrong please correct me.
> Since it "works" once and not the second time, I'd be looking to see if
> the XML produced on the first go-around is actually VALID, since, if it's
> not, that would cause this problem, I think.
The first time 'dom_import_simplexml' returns a DOMElement, the second a
DOMDocument. I don't know why.
The string version of the first SimpleXML is: (that produces a DOMElement)
<?xml version="1.0"?><config/>
The string version of the second SimpleXML is: (that produce a DOMDocument)
<?xml version="1.0"?><config><active/><config/>
I'm alredy using the 'dom_import_simplexml' function (line 5, code anexed)
'instanceof' used now, thanks for reminding. Also if in this case it wasn't
the prpblem.
last of all, a probalbly readable version of the code:
// check if there is a valid simplexml document
if (!($this->configXML instanceof SimpleXMLElement))
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
// create a DOMElement from SimpleXML
$domElem = dom_import_simplexml($this->configXML);
if ( $domElem === false ) return false;
echo "\n\r".'1:';var_dump($domElem);echo "<BR>\n\r";
try {
// import DOMElement(simplexml) to empty DOMDocument
$domNode = $dom->importNode($domElem,true);
if ( $domNode === false ) return false;
// append the imported node to the DOMDocument
$domNode = $dom->appendChild($domNode);
// create new DOMElement
$domElem = $dom->createElement(($mode? 'softactive':'active'));
// add new Element to DOMElement(simplexml)
$domNode->appendChild( $domElem );
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'EXCEPTION: '.$e->getMessage().'<BR/>';
return false;
// redefine old simplexml
$simplexml = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
if ($simplexml === false) return false;
$this->configXML = $simplexml;
echo '2:';echo $this->configXML->asXML();echo "<BR>\n\r";
return true;
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