Posted by Curt Zirzow on 11/11/05 05:12
On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 01:27:32PM +1100, Dan Rossi wrote:
> On 11/11/2005, at 1:21 PM, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> >>
> >
> >Of course i dont get what your trying to do, the rewriterule
> >doesn't match your description of what you said.
> Ok i am vague at most times, i wasnt going to give an exact example as
> it will give away some of the systems secret and not so good when it
> goes into the archive :\
Could you come up with a simplified example that causes the error,
so it could be tested on other systems. I was able to have
something like:
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/$ /index.php?f=$1&b=$2 [L]
And accessing /foo/bar/ It worked like a charm with:
$_GET['f'] == '/foo' and $_GET['b'] == 'bar'
When I used the ../../index.php it would cause a 400 Bad Request,
i'm not clear on how your are doing your relative paths.
> >Also You mention fink but then you mention bsd, does it happen on
> >both systems?
> Errm live system is running php 4.4.1 / Apache 1.3 and its ok. Im
> looking at upgrading it to php 5.1 when its out.
yeah, this makes me wonder if there are issues with the fink binary
you are using. Is the web server going to get upgraded to 2.x as
well? I know that php has a completely different way to talk with
the 1.x vs 2.x which can complicate the issue a bit.
> >The hanging could be a loop of some sort, have you looked at the
> >output of the rewrite log to see exactly what is going on?
> Where can i find the log for that, i get a heap of errors like this
> though
You can set:
RewriteLog /path/to/writable/file
RewriteLogLevel 9 #where 9 is the most verbose
> [Thu Nov 10 15:26:06 2005] [error] Optional hook test said: GET
> /videos/dir/42288faa3649e8a66b28871ba9d7e77b/457867517/
> 713ced53f69d16f48072c2d13705e91b/95/180/video.stream HTTP/1.0
I'm not really sure what this means, it is related to the
../configure options for apache --enable-optional-hook*, i have no
clue what that does.
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