Posted by David Robley on 11/24/82 11:33
Fil wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> Thankyou for this opportunity of picking someones brains before I tear
> the place apart. I am just starting with PHP but have encountered an
> insurmountable hurdle.. I need to work through HTML form "posting"
> examples to a PHP script. ONE STEP after "Hello World"
> I have taken the following steps:
> 1: My php.ini (The only one on the system ) is located in /etc/php.ini
> Because I am using an above 4.1 version of PHP
> I have manually altered the values of
> register_globals = On
> 2: I have repeatedly stopped and restarted Apache webserver.
> (Version 2)
> 3. I have a "Hello World" HTML - > hello.php that loads and runs
> succesfully hence I have a valid Webserver PHP HTML connection with my
> browser.
> 4. In "Hello World I have taken the liberty of including a phpinfo()
> 5. The output of phpinfo() among others reveals:
> post_max_size 8M 8M
> precision 14 14
> register_argc_argv On On
> register_globals On On
> safe_mode Off Off
> 5. I should ???? be able to use GLOBALS ( even if this will become a
> health hazard later on)
> 6. I have used the two examples from PHP's Documentation.
> Literally cut and paste...
> "Action.html "
>> <html>
>> <head>
>> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
>> http-equiv="content-type">
>> <title>filsform</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> <div style="text-align: center;"><span
>> style="text-decoration: underline;">Fils Form<br>
>> <br>
>> <br>
>> </span>
>> <div style="text-align: left;">
>> <form action="action.php" method="post"> Name: <input name="name"
>> type="text"><br>
>> Email: <input name="email" type="text"><br>
>> <input name="submit" value="Submit me!" type="submit"></form>
>> <br>
>> <span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></div>
>> </div>
>> </body>
>> </html>
> and action.php
>> <html>
>> <head>
>> <title>PHP Test</title>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>> HI <?php echo $_POST['name']; ?>.
>> Your email <?php echo $_POST['email']; ?>
>> </body>
>> </html>
> 7. After submitting "action.html" action.php loads and prints
> Hi
> Your email
> The contents of $_POST['name'] and $_POST['email'] appear to be
> unavailable to action.php. If I understand the documentation correctly
> this should not be the case and whatever strings are filled in the form
> of action.html should now be available???
> What or where or how or why or whatever ????? must I do next... ????
> Many thanks for those interested in advance
> Fil
In action.php, add this line after <BODY>
<?php var_dump($_POST); ?>
and see what you get. I would expect something like:
'name' => 'David'
'email' => ''
HI David. Your email
David Robley
Plankton lobbyist: "NUKE THE WHALES!"
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