Posted by "Kristen G. Thorson" on 10/21/91 11:33
Jeff McKeon wrote:
>I've got a server with RedHat ES3 running. It has PHP 4.3.2 installed
>but for an application I want to install I need a min of 4.3.9. This
>server also runs apache2.0.
>I can't find RPMs for RH ES3 so I downloaded the source for PHP4.4.1
>figuring I would just compile myself. Problem is, the INSTALL file
>gives instructions based on the idea that you don't already have Apache2
>or an earlier ver of PHP Installed already. Since Apache2 was installed
>via RPM originally the INSTALL instruction for PHP with Apache2 prob
>won't work.
>./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql
>It's the:
>Switch that has got me scratching my head. /usr/local/apache2/ doesn't
>exist and I can't find apxs anywhere on the sys.
>Can I just configure with ./configure --with-mysql??
I believe you need the httpd-devel rpm to get apxs2.
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