Posted by Michael Hulse on 12/09/05 01:39
On Dec 8, 2005, at 2:46 PM, Michael B Allen wrote:
> I'm using the POST method but I would also like to access QUERY_STRING
> parameters. Is there a convienient global array for these? If not,
> what is the definitive method for accessing them?
Not sure if this script will help, but you can point your form to it
and get back some useful info:
if (count($_REQUEST) > 0) {
echo 'Post '.count($_REQUEST)."Variables<br />\n";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_REQUEST)) {
$$key = $val;
if(is_array($$key)) {
for($a=0;$a<count($$key);$a++) echo $key."[".$a."] =
\"".$val[$a]."\"<br />\n";
} else { print "$key = \"$val\"<br />\n"; }
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