Posted by "Chris Boget" on 12/15/05 20:40
Visual Slick Edit works on a Mac. As I've said before (and will
undoubtedly say again), it is by far the best IDE I've used to date.
System requirements:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Duncan" <jonathan@nacnud.com>
To: "Eric Gorr" <mailist@ericgorr.net>
Cc: <php-general@lists.php.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] What software do you use for writing PHP?
> On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Eric Gorr wrote:
>> Quoting Torgny Bjers <torgny@xorcode.com>:
>>> I recommend Zend Studio if you can afford it since it has a GUI for both
>>> Windows and Linux
>> <FlameBate>And for those interested in using a real computer</FlameBate>,
>> it's
>> GUI also runs under MacOSX.
>> http://zend.com/store/products/zend-studio/requirements.php
> Actually, it does not. I installed it on my Mac, hoping to try it out and
> it would not run because it did not have the move recent Java JRE which is
> not available for Mac OSX (or was not at the time). I still do not have
> it running. Although it installed without a hitch.
> I would be interested in what people use to program PHP on Mac.
> I currently use TextWrangler and I have tried TextMate, but I am not
> completely sold on either of them. I use vim quite a bit also.
> Jonathan
> --
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