Posted by Jochem Maas on 10/21/01 11:11
John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> Sorry to bother. I was hoping for inspiration. The code works. I wonder if there is a cleaner way?
what is the context of the code you posted? ...
in a function? class? part of an app? whats its purpose?
why do you need to check/create the table dynamically?
why do you think the way its done now is 'bad'?
rgds, Jochem
>>John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
>>I've read:
>>Would anyone code/approach this differently?
>>$server = "localhost";
>>$user = "myname";
>>$pass = "mypass";
>>$db = "mydb";
>>$table = "demo_assignment1";
>>$myconnection = mysql_connect($server,$user,$pass);
>>$sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `demo_assignment1` (
>>`StudentNumber` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
>>`Exercise1` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>>`Exercise2` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>>`TimeStamp` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
>>PRIMARY KEY (`TimeStamp`)
>>) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='place something here';";
>>mysql_query($sql) or die(print mysql_error());
>>$sql = "INSERT INTO $table
>>(StudentNumber,Exercise1,Exercise2) values
>>mysql_query($sql) or die(print mysql_error());
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