Posted by John Bokma on 12/04/15 11:36
"William Tasso" <SpamBlocked@tbdata.com> wrote:
> Fleeing from the madness of the Castle Amber - software development
> jungle John Bokma <john@castleamber.com> stumbled into
> news:alt.html,alt.websites,alt.www.webmaster
> and said:
[ ... ]
>> Another painful experience was when I convinced a friend to drop her
>> friend as a hosting solution, also because you could use
>> phpmysqladmin (or
>> whatever it's called) without a password (!).
> "also" or just? - are you saying there's a serious flaw in MySQL or
> the admin app, or perhaps in that particular installation?
Or in the friend who provided the hosting :-D. Also, because the friend
was complaining about hacking attempts. Things were suddenly gone. I
doubted that she really got hacked, I mean, a hacker is probably not
going to erase the smiley table :-D On the other hand, odd things did
happen, but sounded me more like MySQL acting weird.
>> records should take a lifetime and more. (The webbased thingies
>> couldn't handle it,
> timeout or some other issue?
timeout, yeah. Another thing which I noticed, if the mysql has an error
(which it had, the phpbb_users got 2 fields added in 2.0.19) you don't
get a message (I didn't).
> ? so I connected with the mysql client, hurray for the CLI).
> heh - and open 'firewalls'
Well, I had to add my IP to the "allowed to connect" of course (and
remove it).
>> If anyone has tips to speed things up?
>> i.e mysql -ufoo -p -database bar < dump.sql takes ages and ages, even
>> locally. I know that the inserts are done one by one (not the smart
>> way),
> assuming a db made up of several interlinked tables, it has to be that
> way
Yes, but I think it takes locally like 40+ minutes (ah, I already said
>> but why my harddisk is spinning for 20-30 minutes when I do something
>> like
>> this is beyond me. Can't remember that it was that slow in the past.
> well, it's building all the indexes on the fly and that is an
> expensive process.
Yeah, but like I said, I have the feeling that an older version of Mysql
didn't have this problem. I'll check when I have time (have another
computer with an older install).
> Personally, I like the SQL Server method of storing each db in a
> separate disk file that can be copied and attached to a new engine.
> Not that this helps you in any way.
:-D. Ah, well, her board is up and running, everybody is happy, etc. I
am now admin for 3 boards...
It's like the "good" old days, when people bought a computer, and called
me for support :-( (And Oh boy, wasn't it a smart move to have an Acorn
Archimedes, and not a PC, so I could safely say that my computer was
very, very different).
John Perl SEO tools: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
or have them custom made
Experienced (web) developer: http://castleamber.com/
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