Posted by "Sjef" on 10/03/76 11:36
Oeps, it's already complex to explain this.
The array that needs to be created and read is looking like this
$vArray = array('uses'=>'J', $_POST['vke']);
Maybe that will clear up thing a (tiny) bit).
Thanks again,
""Sjef Janssen"" <manuals-scripts@planet.nl> schreef in bericht
> Hallo there,
> I try to put a number of variables in an array as follows:
> input boxes gather info. This info is language dependent, so the info is
> put
> into an array vke with indexes NL and EN. The POST variable gives this
> array
> back. Then I want to add a variable to this array, 'gebruikt' (=used) with
> possible values J or N.
> The script looks something like so:
> <?php
> session_start();
> if ($_POST['vkePlus'])
> {
> $waarden[] = array('gebruikt'=>'J',$_POST['vke']);
> foreach ($waarden as $i=>$w)
> {
> if (is_array($w))
> {
> foreach($w as $iw=>$ww)
> {
> if (is_array($iw))
> {
> //What happening here???
> }
> else
> {
> echo stripslashes($iw) . ": " . stripslashes($ww) . "<br/>";
> }
> }
> }
> else
> {
> echo stripslashes($i) . ": " . stripslashes($w) . "<br/>";
> }
> }
> }
> print ("<h1>Test</h1>\n");
> print ("<form method=\"post\" action=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .
> "\">\n");
> print ("<input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"vke[NL]\" value=\"" .
> $vke[NL] . "\">\n");
> print ("<input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"vke[EN]\" value=\"" .
> $vke[EN] . "\">\n");
> print ("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"vkePlus\" value=\"GoGo\">\n");
> print ("</form>\n");
> ?>
> I have problems reading the contents of the arrays. Especially reading the
> second array seems impossible.
> After all this I want to add the contents of the array to a Session
> variable
> to keep it in furthwer steps (of a wizard).
> I hope any of you can 'make chocolat' of this.... ;-))
> Thanks!!
> Sjef
> p.s. I use php 4.
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