Posted by Curt Zirzow on 10/04/49 11:37
On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 11:55:20AM -0500, Sean Lerner wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like an email received to toronto@washroomquest.com to trigger a
> php script.
> I've configured the following:
> in /etc/aliases
> toronto: |/var/www/wq/email_toronto.php
> in /etc/exim/exim.conf
> system_aliases:
> driver = aliasfile
> ...
> in /var/www/wq/email_toronto.php
> #!/usr/bin/php -q
> <?
> $var_toronto_file = fopen("toronto.txt", "a");
> fwrite($var_toronto_file, "Email Received!\n");
> fclose($var_toronto_file);
> ?>
> ...
> A few things I've tried:
> * changed the permissions to 777 in toronto.txt and email_toronto.php to
> rule out a permissions issue
This as you checked would be the first guess. Second guess is what
is the current working directory this piped script runs at?
Third, although probably should be the first one, consists of a few
1. try using an abolute path to fopen()
2. check the result of fopen, like the example of
3. have your script error_log() ([1] assuming your php.ini:error_log
setting is at syslog) some debug messages and look in
/var/log/messages (or where the error_log directive specifies)
If that doesn't work and your current working directory is where it
should be then some help from an exim list might be useful. I'm
rather new to configuring exim.
[1] http://php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php#ini.error-log
cat .signature: No such file or directory
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