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Re: php script running as a cgi

Posted by "zedleon" on 10/21/44 11:37

here is the php code i am using as a cgi in the cgi-bin
This form executes fine, just doesn't get the variables for the form.

simple test form at:

thanks for the feedback.


#!/usr/local/bin/php -q


$msg = "Sender's Full Name:\t$_POST[sender_name]\n";

$msg .= "Sender's E-Mail:\t$_POST[sender_email]\n";
$msg .= "Secret Message?\t$_POST[sender_msg]\n\n";


$username = "passey";

$tmpToken = md5(uniqid(rand()));

$plainTxt = "/home/account_name/temp/input/" . "$tmpToken" . "data";
$crypted = "/home/account_name/output/" . "gpgdata";

$fp = fopen($plainTxt, "w+");
fputs($fp, $msg);

system("/usr/bin/gpg --encrypt -ao $crypted -r 'ted passey' $plainTxt");

$fd = fopen($crypted, "r");
$mail_cont = fread($fd, filesize($crypted));


$recipient = "";
$subject = "Stupid Secret Message";

$mailheaders = "From:\n";
$mailheaders .= "Reply-To: $sender_email\n\n";

mail("$recipient", "$subject", $mail_cont, $mailheaders);

echo "
<H1 align=center>Thank You, $sender_name</h1>
<p align=center>Your secret message has been sent.</p>";


""zedleon"" <> wrote in message
> I am running a php script as a cgi so to be able to run under my user
> The script seems to be working except for one major problem.....
> the cgi script is not finding the variables passed by the html form...
> Any suggestions on how to make this work?
> Any help is greatly appreciated -
> zed



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