Posted by Benjamin Edwards on 10/04/01 11:05
A couple of things that mey help. I think phpinfo() will display all the system varables. These varables come from the web server so your web server documentation may help. Another thing that may work is implode ( ',' $_SERVER ) which should give you a (, comma) seperated list of $_SERVER (Not sure uf this works for assosiated arrays) and you can also see if the varable is there.
>>> Bruno Santos <bvsantos@hal.min-saude.pt> 01/11/05 03:43pm >>>
Hello all.
I have a problem that i hope to solve with php. i know that, using
$_SERVER['xxx'] is possible to find some information about the client
who is accessing the script.
what i need to know if its possible to find out more information about
the client, like in linux the DISPLAY variable of the client ?
if i make a system call, i get the server information and thats not what
i want ?
if not with php, is possible to do it with javascript ?
thanx in advance
Bruno Santos
Say no to Software patents
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