Posted by Jedi Fans on 09/06/05 02:49
Edwin van der Vaart wrote:
> Noozer wrote:
>>> How can I do it? I want a page of my website (The window) to open with a
>>> width of 720 and a height of 520. I also want the page to be in the
>>> middle
>>> of the page. The code has to be in the web page and not on the link that
>>> take you to that page.
>> Why? The first thing I do when a page screws with my browser is resize
>> it back to how I had it originally... If the page is REALLY annoying,
>> I block the domain on my DNS server.
> Why not surfing the net with js disabled and a pop-up killer.
OR surf with firefox with only the parts of js that are annoying
disabled [its in the settings]...
Hope This Helped and MTFBWY...
Kieren aka JediFans - <URL:http://jedifans.com/>
The Force Is With Me, SuSE Linux Professional 9.3, Mozilla Firefox
1.0.6, Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 Alpha 2 and Revenge Of The Sith!
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