Posted by Neredbojias on 09/13/05 15:50
With neither quill nor qualm, The Eclectic Electric quothed:
> Apparently something in my web page causes IE6 to think that I'm about to
> launch an all out attack on the client's PC. I thought it might be the
> embedded sound, but I've visited another site with embedded sound and that
> didn't flash the warning. Obviously I'm NOT trying to do anything
> malicious!!! But it would be nice if the warning wasn't triggered. Any
> ideas? (I'm basically cutting and pasting so don't in all honesty know what
> I'm doing - the page is a VERY draft 'proof of concept'.)
> http://freespace.virgin.net/phil.houghton/test1c.html
I didn't get any warnings or alerts, -ie6,xp.
As a guess, maybe the "active content" setting in newer versions is a
problem. And, if that *is* it, just ignore it. I say this because if
the user wants to be so-alerted, that's his choice.
Contrary to popular belief, it is believable.
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