Posted by ekoymis on 09/14/05 11:59
Hi all,
I have this webpage whereby the tables (created using <table>, <td>,
<tr>) are specified in a sheet/layer using <DIV> tag. The problem is
when I want to print, it does not break to next page if the table does
not fit into current page. Instead, part of it will be in e.g page 1,
then in next page 2 continue with the rest of the table. I've attached
part of the html source below. I've have tried to put the attributes,
page-break-before: always, to the <table> tag, no effect. Did the same
to the <DIV>, also no effect.
So, any idea on having the table to be printed in the next page if
there is cannot be printer in the current page?
Appreaciate any advice/guidance. Thanks.
.canvas {
position : absolute;
top : 20;
left : 0;
width : <% =response.write(screen_width) %>;
height : 1280;
visibility : visible;
Z-index : 0;
<DIV ID='canvas' CLASS="canvas">
<!-- the next table will be printed in page 1 and 2. Want to insert -->
<!-- a page break, here so that the next table will printed in page 2
</DIV >
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