Posted by Christopher Fulton on 10/20/64 11:05
This should work for you then....(maybe...i don't have php5 on my
system, so it may not, but i think it would.
class Car {
function drive() {
return get_class($this);
class Porshe {
$foo = new Porshe();
echo $foo->drive();
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 14:24:46 -0500, Jason Barnett
<jason.barnett@telesuite.com> wrote:
> >
> > __CLASS__ contains the name of the class the method is in. In my sample it
> > would be 'Car' and not 'Porsche'.
> >
> > What I don't understand is why the behaviour of debug_backtrace() has been
> > changed!?!
> >
> > Regards, Torsten
> I have no idea why the behaviour changed (I didn't really use the
> function before, either). And I see now the change in the manual that
> addresses this (essentially debug_backtrace gives you __CLASS__)
> If you had an actual instance of the class you could use get_class, but
> alas you are using a static method call. You punk.
> The only other solution that comes to mind is a little messy but it lets
> you get away with no object. Instead of calling the method statically
> you can use call_user_func_array() with the child class name as a
> parameter. Then change the parent method to accept the child class name
> as a parameter.
> <?php
> function call_static_child() {
> $drive_args = func_get_args();
> /** assume that first parameter is child of class Car */
> return call_user_func_array(array($drive_args[0], 'drive'), $drive_args);
> }
> ?>
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