Posted by Els on 01/12/91 11:28
windandwaves wrote:
> Els wrote:
>> windandwaves wrote:
>>> windandwaves wrote:
>>>> Els wrote:
>>>>> windandwaves wrote:
>>>>>> Stuart wrote:
>>>>>>> ls wrote:
>>>>>>>> windandwaves wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Please have a look at
>>>>>>>>> http://www.historymakers.co.nz/sunny/index.php
>>>>>>>>> The menu does not work in Opera, but I am not sure why...
>>>>>>>>> Can you help?
>>>>>>>> Does it help if I say the menu works fine in my Opera?
>>>>>>>> (version 8.02)
>>>>>>> Hmmm. Doesn't work in Opera 7.01.
>>>>>> My version is 7.54u2 and it does not work (it looks like it, but
>>>>>> if you go down to history makers and then people people further
>>>>>> down the line then it stops working...)
>>>>> Maybe it's better to explain what it really is that's not working
>>>>> then? In 8.02, I hover over 'history makers', then over 'episode
>>>>> 1', and I'm presented with a list with actors, numbered from 100
>>>>> to 83. I can click 83 (Charles Upham) and end up on a page about
>>>>> that person. Is that within, or beyond what is working in your
>>>>> version of Opera? (I don't get numbers 82 - 1 if that's what
>>>>> should happen?)
>>>> try opening number five, for example... you rock Els, Thank you for
>>>> your help. Much appreciated.
>>> Everything works fine, until you try to open pages for lower
>>> numbered folk at the bottom of an episode list.
>> I don't think I'm getting it.
>> Under episode 5, there are no names. Clicking it, gives me a page with
>> no names, so that looks like there aren't any.
>> It's the same as in Firefox.
>> FWIW, I did open nr. 83, and that's the last one on the list, as for
>> some reason you're counting down, from no. 100 at the top of episode
>> 1. Both in Opera 8.02 and Firefox.
>> Opening Opera 7.51...
>> No extendable menu at all, no way of even trying to click any episode,
>> as I see none.
>> Looking at the source, I see that there are no sublists.
>> I have no idea how you scripted the page, but for some reason, Opera
>> 8.02 gets served with sub and sub-sub lists, while 7.51 gets nothing.
>> I reckon the error is somewhere in the script? Do you have any
>> browsersniffing in your script maybe?
> Sorry, I was just trying to fix it.
> I have excluded Opera 7 now. Can you please try it with Opera 8? The
> whole menu is enabled again.
Yup, works in all episodes now.
There is however another problem, (was there already): when loading
the page, the menu stays at the top of the header, until I hover over
it. Only then it jumps into place, at the bottom of the header image.
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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- Renato Russo -
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