Posted by Arne on 12/29/06 11:29
Once upon a time *talthen.z-serwera.o2@nospam.pl* wrote:
> "Arne" <invalid@domain.invalid>
>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"
>> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
>> to make the pages rendered in standard mode, not quirks mode :)
> Well... without DOCTYPE pages are smaller :P Also px in width, type in
> <script and <title are things that, when ommitted make the page smaller :]
> Even Mozilla can render such pages, however I don't understand why MSIE and
> Opera can understand this:
> document.forms[0].goto.value=x;
> and Mozilla can't. W3C validator also doesn't make errors on it. Stupid
> mozilla- I lost few hours to find this out :P
You must have serious problems with your pages if you have to omit
standard HTML tags to save a few bytes. :)
As allready is said, W3C doesn't have a Javascript validator. So you
may consult the Javascript Consol in Mozilla to see what it says about
the scripts you have.
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