Posted by Noodles Jefferson on 11/12/05 12:50
In article <dsp8n1l9mbhprungoffa7lu9ch0ortkak9@4ax.com>, Onideus Mad
Hatter took the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 05:36:59 -0600, Noodles Jefferson
> <silverbells@tacoshells.com> wrote:
> >> >You sh<COCK SLAP>
> >> First of all, only cunt headed down syndrome trainables post binaries
> >> to non-binary froups.
> >Oh shut the fuck up. It was small.
> The point was that it wasn't as small as it could be and the other
> point is volume. Just image if you were building a site for CNN.com
> and it was going to be downloaded several MILLION times a day...that's
> when the difference between a few hundred bytes can wind up making the
> difference between gigabytes of data traffic.
This doesn't stop them from putting up interviews and other things that
are much larger files. Doesn't stop the AP or C-Span either.
> >You're more pissed that it was accurate.
> ...how was it accurate? You're the only one I see complaining about
> the graphic style, Kiddo. Oh but hey, do pray tell, just what as it
> about the graphics that bothered you so much? Was it the clouds? Do
> clouds scare you? Hrmmm? Did you have a bad experience?
> ...btw Noodle Head...weren't you the idiot who yammering on and on
> about how I'm ~supposedly~ *SO* good at graphic design and *SO* bad at
> web coding?
I've seen your pages. You do the same thing every time. <iframe> is your
little buddy. Except you should probably be using the frameset DTD, you
don't have a lot of interactivity beyond click a button. Now granted the
background changes too, so you get some props for that, after all, you
make pretty pictures but I have like 12 links on a page, okay graphics
and people can do a search from it. I'm learning how to generate HTML
now and I'm starting to see how it's all fitting together. So pretty
soon the task of updating will become easier which means and I can make
more pages with a consistent look quicker. Conforms to W3C, works in any
browser. No further assembly required. Coding wise it's actually more
complex than your site. It's got a 3 column div layout and uses a style
sheet. You have a an iframe that you abuse the hell out of and a hacked
DTD. Pictures only carry you so far. People will consume everything in a
site then move on to another.
> *snicker* How are you delusions holding up these days?
Hey, I figured out your browser testing problem but you're acting like a
twat so I'm not gonna tell you.
> Oh, BTW, I saw the thread where you talked about how you got Paint
> Shop Pro...seems a little...odd. I'm quite sure that whatever poverty
> of a public education system you're attending would have told you
> Photoshop was yer best bet...and last I checked I was the only one
> running around A26 touting the wondrous merits of my lil 6 year old
> version of Paint Shop Pro.
Photoshop was a hundred bucks more and to be honest, I like paintshop.
I'm not a professional graphic artist and it does a okay enough job to
handle what I need from it. Now, I won't rule getting photoshop in the
future out but for now, I think I'm set. There's always the GIMP too.
> >> Second, when you attach an image to a thread,
> >> make sure your idiot news browser is setup to NOT include the file
> >> name in the subject, cause otherwise it fucks up thread continuity.
> >Shows up fine here.
> Why don't you just join a fuckin webbie board, I think that'd be more
> yer speed.
Hey you're the one that gets laughed out of...er...I mean trolls
webforums, not me. Why should I lower myself just because even web
boards think you suck?
> >Thread continuity. Nice ridiculous argument.
> Yeah, yer definitely not a Netter.
Excuse me? Who the fuck are you? Nobody, that's who. You're welcome.
Sister fucking diaper tard.
> >> Third, your ability to encode images and determine the proper format
> >> to use is slap in the face to intelligence design, you drooling little
> >> muppet fuck.
> >>
> >> Your file was encoded in lossy JPG with the quality set to "uber shit"
> >> apparently. This resulted in a crappy looking image with a file size
> >> of 1.43KB, where as if you hadn't been an idiot, you would have chosen
> >> a palette based PNG or GIF file, using optimized octree and setting
> >> the max color to about 100, which would have resulted in this:
> >> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/trash.png
> >> Which is only 919 bytes.
> >Oooh la la. Nobody cares.
> You cared enough to suddenly start experimenting:
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.2600/msg/a49672f80775dbd1
Sure. But I'd been experimenting.
> And oh, look at that, you're using PNG files...
Usually gives me the smallest size.
> and you're not posting
> images inline either.
I still do. If I want to show more than one thing at a time, I do.
> I don't get it, Noodles, what are you too
> fuckin high on yourself to admit yer wrong? Hell I'm a fucking
> asshole but even *I* know when to admit I fucked up.
What have I fucked up? I think everyone knows I'm experimenting with
something new to me. I made that pretty clear in the original post.
> >> Of course if you weren't stupid you would
> >> have cropped it down to just the image part, in which case you could
> >> have gone down to as low as 890 bytes.
> >>
> >> Feel free to continue being a stupid fucking drooler, Noodle Head,
> >> it's amusing if nothing else to watch you try and bite at my heels for
> >> attention.
> >Way to write thinly disguised homoeroticism masquerading as care bears
> >fanfic, loser.
> ...I can only guess that you didn't read it (not that, that was the
> point of my posts). There's nothing homoerotic about it...well unless
> you think relationships between girls and guys is gay, in which case
> you should probably get yer head checked. One also shouldn't let the
> subject confuse them, part of the reason I made teh CB fanfic was to
> create my own personal idealized version of the fuzzy lil bastages.
> It starts out pretty PG, but in chapter 7 (soon to be added), a
> teenage girl winds up having her emotions and memories ripped
> separately out of her while her body is atomized. And later, in
> chapter 10, one of the baddies becomes unstable and goes nuclear on a
> small town, killing this one little girls parents...along with
> everyone else in the town. Needless to say...it gets pretty dark. I
> liken it to American McGee's "Alice"...only with no gore...well except
> the part in chapter 8 when one of the baddies makes like a whirlwind
> through a room filled with shards of glass...but there's no blood.
I like how one sentence generates a paragraph of denial from you. Very
> >Good luck on building the most loserly site ever.
> I make my sites for the people that enjoy them...obviously you're not
> one of them...and yet you look at them anyway...funny that, huh?
It's like a trainwreck or a car crash. You can't help but look.
Noodles Jefferson
mhm31x9 Smeeter#29 WSD#30
sTaRShInE_mOOnBeAm aT HoTmAil dOt CoM
"Our earth is degenerate in these latter days, bribery and corruption
are common, children no longer obey their parents and the end of the
world is evidently approaching."
--Assyrian clay tablet 2800 B.C.
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