Posted by Richard Lynch on 04/12/05 03:05
On Mon, April 11, 2005 3:04 pm, DuSTiN KRySaK said:
> I moved the script over to another host to test, and it worked fine
> there. So to me that says it should be something to do with the host...
> now is there anything in the php.ini that could inflict this kind of
> behavior?
"anything" covers a lot of ground...
First: Did you use the SAME browser and computer to surf in both cases.
If not, re-do the test with the SAME browser and computer.
Second: Is GD even installed on the non-working server?
Use <?php phpinfo();?>
Either you see "GD" in one of the mini-tables or you don't have GD and it
ain't gonna work.
Third: Compare the *VERSIONS* of GD on both servers. Then PHP versions.
Then Apache versions.
Fourth: On the broken server, take *OUT* the header() lines in your
script, and surf directly to the image URL. If you see PHP messages,
well, fix your script to get rid of them. If you see a bunch of weird
characters, that's what it *should* be -- Pretty much the "same" as you
would see if you opened up a real JPEG in a text editor.
Fifth: Re-test on the server and desktop where it didn't work -- It's
possible that between test 1 and 2 somebody updated the browser out from
under you (like Microsoft auto-update, for example)
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