Posted by Siegfried on 04/12/05 15:25
I've been working on a script to contain a monthly/weekly schema. The
script is only starting from the start and stop unix timestamps for
every task.
Now I'm having the problem of displaying the tasks properly.
For the time being, all tasks on a specific day gets its own column, but
I want them to only appear in a new column if they collide with another
Example: (example viewn with Courier New)
(Now) (Should be)
|--------| |--------|
|11 | |11111111|
| | | |
| 22 | |2222 |
| 22 44| |22224444|
| 44| | 4444|
| 3344| |33334444|
| 44| | 4444|
| 44| | 4444|
|--------| |--------|
Im using <div> tags and absolute positions, Here is my current
"collision script":
#The $printTask is built up as follows
#$printTask[day_of_week][unique_task_id] = settings_for_this
#unique_task_id is allways different
#settings_for_this contains:
# sx = starting y position
# sy = starting x position
# ey = ending y position
# id = says wich task the settings are made for, different from
if(is_array($printTask)) ksort($printTask);
foreach($printTask as $id_1 => $day){
if(is_array($printTask[$id_3])) ksort($printTask[$id_3]);
print n();
foreach($day as $id_2 => $task){
$width = 100;
$collides = array();
foreach($day as $id_3 => $task2){
if($id_3 != $id_2){
if($task['sy'] <= $task2['sy'] && $task['ey'] >= ($task2['ey'] +
if(is_array($printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c']) &&
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['l'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['c'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
}elseif($task['sy'] >= $task2['sy'] && $task['ey'] <=
($task2['ey'] + $task2['sy'])){
if(is_array($printTask[$id_1][$id_3]['c']) &&
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['l'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$printTask[$id_1][$id_2]['c'][] = "c_data_".$task2['id'];
$fe['max'] = arrayMax($fe['tasks']);
foreach($printTask as $id_1 => $day){
foreach($day as $id_2 => $task){
$w = 0; $l = 0; $c = 0;
$w+= count($task['c']);
$c = count($task['c']);
$w+= count($task['l']);
$l = count($task['l']);
$width = 100;
if($w > 0) $width = (int)(100 / ($w + 1))+($w == $l?$l:0);
$left = 67 + ($id_1 * 101);
if($l > 0) $left+= (int)((100 / ($w + 1)) * $l) - $l;
printDiv($left, $task['sy'], makeColor($fe['max'] + 1, $task['id']),
$task['ey'], $width, $task['id'], 0, 0, $task['cf'], $task['cb']);
I hope you will be able to help me, I've gotten gray hairs over this one
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