Posted by Steve Pugh on 01/13/29 11:32
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Scott" <golden@uslink.net> skrev i meddelandet
> news:437FD314.421C1B77@uslink.net...
> > Is there a tag that I can put on a page that will prevent search
> > engines from indexing the page? The page is not behind a password.
> As far as I know you could insert the adress of the page into a file
> called robots.txt and
> indicate which search engine you do not want to index it.
> But I tried to use this method to stop Google indexing some images
You should have used robots.txt before Google index the page not
"Prevention is better than cure" and all that.
> and they are still there, so I do not know whether it works, actually.
Wait a few months for Google to get around to reindexing your pages and
if you've used robots.txt properly the images should be removed. Or use
the URL removal form on Google to remove them now.
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