Posted by julian_m on 11/24/05 07:54
First of all, excuse me for the long post. I tryied to cut the code as
much as i could
I commented with **//** the places where i'm having problems with
<table class="table_top">
<tr> <!-- la 2° fila -->
**//** Let's call this row "ROW 1 TABLE_TOP"
<td class="td_tabla_tabs"> <!-- esta es la celda que tiene la
TABLA que tiene los tabs -->
<table class="table_tabs">
**//** Here, I've four images (each one in one cell) wich act as
a links
<td class="td_tab"><img class="img_tab"
src="mainimages/principal_on.jpg" alt="principal"
<td class="td_tab"><a href="?fhdjkas=2&tert=2"
onmouseout="menu_out('hombre');"><img class="img_tab"
src="mainimages/hombre_off.jpg" alt="hombre" name="hombre"></a></td>
<td class="td_tab"><a href="?fhdjkas=1&tert=2"
onmouseover="menu_over('mujer');" onmouseout="menu_out('mujer');"><img
class="img_tab" src="mainimages/mujer_off.jpg" alt="mujer"
<td class="td_tab"><a href="?fhdjkas=3&tert=2"
onmouseover="menu_over('ninio');" onmouseout="menu_out('ninio');"><img
class="img_tab" src="mainimages/ninio_off.jpg" alt="ninio"
</table> <!-- fin de la tabla de tabs-->
<td>next cell</td>
</tr> <!-- fin de la 2° fila-->
**//** And now, on the next row "ROW 2 TABLE_TOP", I've a table
wich shoul be "joined" with the row above, but it isn´t already
**//** I don't know why there is an space between ROW 1 and ROW 2
**//** any advice would be apreciated
<td class="td_tabla_separador" colspan="2">
<table class="table_separador">
<td id="barra_tabs_esquinas_izq"><img
src="mainimages/topbar_left.jpg" alt="x" border="0"></td>
<td id="fondo_barra_tabs"></td>
<td id="barra_tabs_esquinas_der"><img
src="mainimages/topbar_right.jpg" alt="x" border="0"></td>
<td colspan="3" height="5"
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padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
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regards - julian
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