Posted by Scott on 11/30/05 02:18
Ken Sims wrote:
> Hi Scott -
> On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 14:19:32 -0600, Scott <golden@uslink.net> wrote:
> >Darn. My website is: www.uslink.net/~golden. It's not my own domain,
> >so it looks like the host root is out of my reach. The page that I don't
> >want to be indexed is www.uslink.net/~golden/order1.html.
> Yes, robots.txt has to be at http://www.uslink.net/robot.txt
> Your only option for robots.txt is to see if you can convince USLink
> to add a robots.txt with your Disallow. If you click the above link,
> you will see that they don't have a robots.txt.
> >I'm trying not to use a password. It's only this one page that I want to
> >prevent from being indexed. Everything else on the site is fair game.
> >
> >What are the chances that <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
> >will do the job?
> It's better than nothing, but that's all I can say.
> I think you are at the point where you need your domain. Not just so
> that you can have a robots.txt but also to make what you are doing
> look more professional.
> --
> Ken
> http://www.ke9nr.net/
I agree. In fact, the only reason I'm staying with my ISP-provided webspace
is that I don't want to have to start over being found by the search engines
again (although my Google ranking...under "GNLD" has slipped out of the top 20
this past year, but it's still pretty high with Yahoo). Also, my email address
has been around for nine years. I do have my own domain (www.teamone.net) for
a business site I'm starting to build. Then I'll have more control over things.
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