Posted by Messju Mohr on 04/09/05 18:09
On Sat, Apr 09, 2005 at 10:35:30AM +1000, HarryG wrote:
> Hi,
> I am basically trying to do the following and need some help.
> {section name=count loop=$Photos start=1 step=4}
> <tr>
> <td>{$Photos[count].Filename}</td><td>{$Photos[count+1].Filename}</td><td>{$Photos[count+2].Filename}</td><td>{$Photos[count+3].Filename}</td>
> </tr>
> {/section}
> Because my step is 4, I wanna print all the photos from 1-4 in the first row and then 5-8 in the second and so on...
you can try something like this:
{section name=rows loop=$Photos start=1 step=4}
{section name=cols start=$smarty.section.rows.index loop=$smarty.section.rows.index+4}
> Thanks in advance
> HarryG
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