Posted by Alan J. Flavell on 12/21/05 17:54
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, JDS wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:18:31 +0000, Alan J. Flavell wrote:
> > Although I don't happen to use Macs, I'm aware that when it was
> > introduced and being supported, MacIE was a good, standards-oriented,
> > CSS-ish-supporting browser for the Mac, which stood up well against
> > the then-current opposition on any platform.
> But the same could have been said of WinIE 5.
No. Its violation of several mandatory requirements of the
interworking specifications have been on record for years.
> IMO, Netscape died not because of (well, not *just* because of)
> underhanded, sneaky, monopolistic practices of Microsoft[1].
> Netscape died because it sucked as compared to MSIE 5. Really,
> compare the browsing experience of MSIE5 to NS4. Hello? Can you say
> Netsuck?
I*'m not sure what you're hoping to achieve by this forceful
obfuscation of the fact that MacIE is a completely different product
from WinIE, and the lead developer for MacIE put considerable emphasis
on conforming to published specifications, instead of riding roughshod
over them in the way that WinIE has repeatedly been exposed for doing.
ho hum
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