Posted by Jake on 01/19/36 11:35
In message <Xns97347D8EDCF83jkorpelacstutfi@>, Jukka K.
Korpela <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> writes
>Jake <jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>>We can see rather immediately from the URL itself that my prediction was
>>>right: Of course, you will not create an exception to the rule that people
>>>who advertize WEFT here cannot provide any real-life examples (with "real
>>>life" defined as something else than a trivial page, typically with lorem
>>>ipsum text as content).
>> And that would prove ... what exactly?
>My point exactly. Advocates of WEFT, when asked to present real-life
>examples, show nothing or show dummy demos - and babble endlessly.
Still not keen to justify your claims "...It just isn't practical, and
if you try to use it for something real, you'll run into problems..." ?
Maybe next time, eh?
Jake (jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk -- just a 'spam trap' mail address)
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