Posted by Jose on 12/10/10 11:37
>> 1: Flash is used primarily by advertisers to steal your attention away
>> from the content the user came to see.
> Wrong. Opinion, and a bad one.
I'll admit not having taken a scientific survey. But of the websites I
visit, I see a lot of "get the plugin" placeholders, and they all occupy
spaces normally reserved for ads. Flash ads (when I am forced to see
them such as on library computers) are animtated, jumpy, and steal my
attention, making it harder to do what I came to do.
Even if less than 50% of flash is advertising, the % that is is annoying
>> 2: Flash cannot be turned off at the browser preferences level, like
>> animations, graphics, sound, java, scripts, and other stuff can be. True,
>> there are workarounds with additional software, but that's not the point.
> Conceded. But again, it's only bad if it's designed and executed poorly.
No, it's a problem every time one doesn't want to see flash content, for
whatever reason. See (1) above.
> Again, flash isn't used by "advertisers"...
Flash most certainly =is= used by advertisers. Other legitimate
entities use it also, but it's the advertisers that get my goat.
You blame the designers for the shortcomings I attribute to flash. I'll
stipulate that. There is so much bad flash design that I don't want it
on my system.
> Flash *asks* you if it can use your microphone.
It never asks me, and I find that after some flash presentations my
microphone is on.
> Aha, so this is REALLY what's it's about isn't it? The Flash *you've seen*
> was bad, so all of Flash is bad?
I can only judge based on what I've seen. What makes Flash bad is that
I can't choose to not see it, at the browser level. If there were a
checkbox in browser preferences to filter out flash content I'd go a lot
easier on it. But we're up to version 7 and no such button appears. Hmmm.
> Should we get rid of Photoshop because people use it incorrectly or
> "badly"?
No, because the impact of bad photoshop is not the same as the impact of
bad Flash... and I would argue that the flash used by advertisers is not
"bad" - it accomplishes what they want - theft of attention. It's just
not what =I= want when I go on the web. Alas, legitimate uses of flash
=That= is what it's all about.
> Just because people see bad Flash design doesn't mean the product is in any
> way faulty.
Flash is faulty because it doesn't have an OFF button on the browser.
And this isn't a bug, it's a feature.
> Should we get rid of Dreamweaver, Front Page, and Go Live
> because sometimes morons get their hands on them and create atrocious pages?
We should get rid of Front Page. It's faulty in a different way.
> Use [flash] well, and the results are
> outstanding. Use it poorly and the results are predictable.
True. But using it poorly is so prevalent I have ripped it out of my
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