Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 01/08/06 15:47
Chaddy2222 wrote:
> Hmmm.
> Maybe take a look at http://www.w3.org
> I personally use Tables for layout, mainly because they are easyer,
> well kind of.
Sorry to rag, but looking at your site that firstly does use tables for
layout that could very easily be handled with CSS and secondly purports
to do web design but your code sir? What are you using to code?
<h2><font size="+2">
Welcome TO
FreeWeb Design Online!! </font></h2><h2></h2><font size="+2">
</font><small><font face="Arial" size="+2"><small>
Let's overlook the attempt to scale the H2 element with the FONT
element, what bothers me is code like the empty H2, FONT elements and
the nonsensical *<small><font face="Arial" size="+2"><small>*
I am sorry to pick on you but some folks can can make an argument for
table layouts in certain situations but offering your site as an example
does not make the case. Even though your index page is small, CSS and
proper markup could reduce the code at least 40% and be maintainable.
Take care,
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