Posted by Bernhard Sturm on 01/09/06 10:52
MajorSetback@excite.com wrote:
> I am starting up a home business and will be setting up a web site to
> market the software that I will be developing in C++. I was wondering
> if I should buy something like Dreamweaver or Frontpage or try to
> develop the web pages directly using HTML and a text editor.
I started with FP 8 years ago. After 1 year I've found FP just a pain in
the a** because it seemed to be ignorant of proper HTML-coding (I don't
know if the latest version of FP still behaves the same way, I stayed
away from this editor). What I wanted was a tool that enabled me to
produce generic HTML-code which I would be able to adapt and change to
my own needs without having the editor injecting proprietary editor-code
at a later stage of editing. I've then been using DW for quite some
time, and found it very appropriate for my needs. The last couple of
years I switched completely to a plain-text editor (UltraEdit) in order
to produce my pages. Because I want to have full control over my source,
and I don't want a big tool to organise my sites structure, I think I am
big enough to do that myself.
To sum up: The choice for a WYSIWYG-editor seems to be okay for an
absolute beginner, but the editor should be able to adapt to the users
needs, hence the more control a webdesigner wants over the source the
less proprietary editor behaviour should be involved. IMHO a good editor
encourages you to learn proper (X)HTML which should be the end goal.
just my two cents
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