Posted by Stewart Gordon on 01/24/06 14:10
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Stewart Gordon wrote:
>> Jose wrote:
>>> That said - Arial is a dumass font for the net since it confuses
>>> several letters and numbers, leading to easy impersonation.
>> If you mean that the difference between I and l isn't obvious, then
>> yes. But that's true of many sans-serif fonts. And even some serif
>> fonts make l and 1 look almost identica1.
> No that is not true.
What is not true?
> The confusion is between the uppercase 'i' and
> lowercase 'l' with Arial (common to many sans-serif fonts). The number
> '1' is distinguishable for the letter characters by a upper simplified
> serif, (little tang going off the left) where the letter characters have
> no such serif. Actually the legibility problem is with serif fonts like
> Times and Times New Roman that have a problem between lowercase 'l' and
> the numeral '1'!
You seem to be saying exactly what I just said, only in different words.
>> OTOH, there's a school of thought that thinks that sans-serif fonts
>> are actually best for online documents. Allegedly easier on the eyes,
>> or something like that.
> They are easier to read because they are 'blacker' (heavier weight) in
> general and the simplified lines are easier to read when smaller or in
> lower contrast situations. Script and decorative fonts are probably the
> least legible and should only be used sparingly
Does this mean that if you took a sans-serif font and added serifs to
it, then it would be as easy to read as the original sans-serif font?
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