Posted by John Salerno on 01/31/06 23:49
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> Depends. <em> is emphasized, not italic, though most browsers will show
> it that way. Do you want to "emphasize" the words, or being scientific,
> do you want some other type of .. emphasis? If so, then customize a
> <span> for them.
Yeah, I guess it isn't for emphasis at all. It's the name of a bacterium
that should be italicized. I was just wondering if this was treated
differently than simply italicizing something for style.
> The text in a paragraph element will wrap to fit the available space
> when your page is displayed by the browser. You seem to be talking about
> how it appears in your source editor. That's your choice. I usually type
> about 80 characters and press return so my source is easily readable.
The problem with this seems to be if I need to edit that text later, the
line breaks create a bunch of weird space in between the text. I also
copy and pasted the text back into Word, and of course it was really
funky looking.
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