Posted by Stan McCann on 02/04/06 02:31
"Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorpela@cs.tut.fi> wrote in
> Stan McCann <me@stanmccann.us> wrote:
>> would you say <address> would be appropriate
>> for the contact information in the top part of this page:
>> http://alamo.nmsu.edu/programs/ ?
> Hardly. It's not the page author's contact information. In fact, at
> the bottom of the page, there's contact information that is
> apparently meant to be used for communication about the page...
I think you are wrong on this. Your insistance that <address> is only
for information on the author is wrong. I've already shown that the
W3C itself says <address> is for use *by* authors for contact
information about the document or part of the document.
And just how is author defined when it comes to web pages? In many
instances, one or more people may write the content for a page while
someone else marks up that content. Which is the author? In the link
I gave for instance, I may or may not be considered the author. There
are two sets of contact information on that page for a very definite
reason. One set of contact information, at the top of the page
concerning the content that appears on the page (much of that content
authored by others and only marked up by me) and another contact
concerning design and markup of the page.
This question I pose about who is the author of a page also begs the
question of meta information. Am I incorrect in specifying
name="Author" as myself when I have only marked up a document? Maybe
we need some new words for author? Words that make distinctions as to
content (and amounts of?) or markup?
Stan McCann, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
Webmaster, NMSU at Alamogordo http://alamo.nmsu.edu/
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