Posted by Spartanicus on 02/05/06 11:46
John Salerno <johnjsal@NOSPAMgmail.com> wrote:
>"Document sent as text/html are handled as tag soup [1] by most UAs.
>This means that authors are not checking for validity, and thus
>most XHTML documents on the web now are invalid. Therefore the main
>advantage of using XHTML, that it has to be valid, is lost of the
>document is then sent as text/html."
IIRC Hixie makes this point about validating parsers. Imo he pushes the
boat out to far with his arguments against XHTML. The paragraph above is
an example, validating parsers are and will continue to be a rarity in
UAs that are not validators.
At the same time Hixie doesn't address many of the myths that cause
authors to believe that XHTML is preferred over HTML. Have a look at the
previously mentioned http://www.spartanicus.utvinternet.ie/no-xhtml.htm
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