Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/06/06 00:53
John Salerno <johnjsal@NOSPAMgmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, so in the case of creating an image map, using just id is okay?
Oh, that belongs to the tricky part. Using just name is okay.
I must admit that I don't know the details of the current browser
situation in support to using just id in <map>. But support to name is
surely at least as good, so you win nothing by using id. The situation
is different in normal linking, since you _can_ win in conciseness:
compare <h2 id="foo">...</h2> with <h2><a name="foo">...</a></h2>.
(XHTML 1.1 is particularly absurd here, disallowing name, making id
required, and requiring <map> elements to identifiers without "#",
thereby making the page fail on existing browsers.)
Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Pages about Web authoring: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.html
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